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DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-2-10-31
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American vacations in Russian village. (Russian classics on foreign stage: problematic dialogue and the role of interpretеrs)
The production of Turgenev’s “A Month in the Country” (Theatre Guild, 1930) is taken
here as inherent example of Russian classics interpretation in the timeline of drama history
and intercultural communication through theatre. Meanwhile the difficulties and obstacles
on this way are revealed. In the author’s view, the named production is often underestimated being regarded as merely a remake or replica of MAT’s classical version of 1909.
The stumbling block on Turgenev’s drama way to American spectators is easily identified
at the close glance. According to American critics’ general agreement, Turgenev’s play
was outdated, tedious and morbid. Though often flattery compared to Chekhov’s works,
it is yet based, they wrote, on drama principles, “hardly worth preserving”. Chekhov’s
drama highly favored by the Anglo-saxon criticism already enjoyed numerous interpretations on the American stage. Thus Chekhov turned to be Turgenev’s predecessor in the USA.
Moreover, the advent of Turgenev to American stage is highly indebted to Russian immigrant
theatre workers — Rouben Mamoulian, the director, and Alla Nazimova, the player of the
main part — who proved to be the uniting “Russian center” of the production. The descriptions of acting, sets, mise en scene, the article is dwelling on, are borrowed from American
and Russian sources, including archival, such as scrapbooks, iconography, witnesses or participants, letters, memoirs and critical reviews.
Turgenev, Russian drama, Theatre Guild, Theatre in USA, Rouben Mamoulian, Alla
Nazimova, Dobuzhinsky.
For citation
Litavrina M.G. American vacations in Russian village. (Russian classics on foreign stage: problematic dialogue and the role of interpretеrs). Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2023, no. 2, pp. 10–31.
DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-2-10-31
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Received: 09.12.2022
Revised: 01.03.2023
Accepted: 14.03.2023