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DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-3-204-224
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“Talent is Rare and Fragile”: Viktor Gvozditsky — Student of the Yaroslavl Theatre School
Viktor Vasilyevich Gvozditsky, a People's Artist of Russia, was an outstanding actor of
the national theatre from the end of the 20th to the beginning of the 21st century. He
was one of the most renowned graduates of the Yaroslavl Theatre School, which he
completed in 1971. This was where the young Gvozditsky's professional development
and the unveiling of his acting individuality took place.
The extraordinary creative personality of Viktor Vasilyevich became evident during his
training in the workshop of the famous director and theatre teacher, the founder and
artistic director of the Yaroslavl Theatre School, Firs Efimovich Shishigin. Shishigin had
a significant influence on the formation of the young artist. The key role of Khlestakov
and the clearly emerging Garin-like nature revealed the eccentric side of his talent.
The relationship between the master and his young pupil, who entered the school at
the age of fourteen, was complicated, as evidenced by Gvozditsky's memoirs, as well
as the recollections of his classmates and teachers.
Gvozditsky's acting foundation, which combined the traditions of psychological theatre and the artistic techniques of eccentricity, was made up not only of skills acquired
at the Yaroslavl Theatre School, but also from independent learning experiences
with talented actors and directors with whom Viktor Vasilyevich worked in theatres.
V. V. Gvozditsky, Russian theatre, theatre pedagogy, Yaroslavl Theatre School,
F. E. Shishigin.
For citation
Azeeva I.V. “Talent is Rare and Fragile”: Viktor Gvozditsky — Student of the Yaroslavl Theatre School. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2023, no. 3, pp. 204–224.
DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-3-204-224
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Received: 04.06.2023
Revised: 09.08.2023
Accepted: 14.08.2023