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DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-4-216-228


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Aleksey I. Burachenko

Cand. Sc. in Culturology, Assistant Professor of Department of Culturology, Philosophy and Art Studies
Kemerovo State Institute of Culture
Kemerovo, Russia

Leonid Fedorovich Makariev — Actor, Teacher, Scholar: a Student’s View


Theatre pedagogy became a significant phenomenon in the 20th century. Solving the problem of a “new actor” needed for various areas of directing practice, theatre pedagogy, basing on the previous experience, suggested several models. The analysis of this phenomenon has not yet received a systematic development. All the variety of scholar researches is focused mainly on the most significant persons — K. Stanislavsky, Vs. Meyerhold, M. Chekhov, etc. On the other hand, the main effort at the moment is the publication of the documents, which reflect the diversity of understandings of the theatre pedagogy main directions. One of the brightest representatives of the Russian theatre pedagogy is Leonid Makariev. His desire to find a universal method of educating an actor was reflected in a number of significant public statements and his achievements as the head of the department, teacher, actor, and director. The publication of his legacy is an important step for understanding the processes of developing of both artistic and pedagogical thought. The way of organizing Leonid Makariev documents was suggested by Yuriy Vasiliev in a two-volume book L. F. Makariev: Theatre. Creative process. Destiny. The article deals not only with Makariev’s experience, reflected through the optics of him as a publisher, but also with some significant issues of theatre pedagogy which are relevant nowadays.


Leonid Makariev, acting art, theatre theory, theatre pedagogy.

For citation

Burachenko A. I. Leonid Fedorovich Makariev — Actor, Teacher, Scholar: a Student’s View. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2023, no. 4, pp. 216–228.

DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-4-216-228



  1. Kryzhickij G.K. Posobie po vyvihu: recenziya na knigu “Masterstvo aktera v terminah i opredeleniyah K.S. Stanislavskogo: uchebnoe posobie dlya teatral’nyh vuzov” (sost. M.A. Venecianova; red., avt. predisl. L. F. Makar’ev. M.: Sovetskaya Rossiya, 1961. 519 s.) [A Guide to Dislocation. Review of the book “The Skill of an Actor in the Terms and Definitions of K.S. Stanislavsky: a textbook for theatre universities” (compiled by M.A. Venetsianova; editor, author of the preface L. F. Makariev. Moscow: Soviet Russia, 1961. 519 p.)]. Teatr. 1962, no 5, pp. 147–148. 
  2. Pesochinsky N. Idei Stanislavskogo segodnya: Intervyu V. Filshtinskogo [Stanislavsky’s ideas today: Interview with V. Filshtinsky]. In: Russkoe akterskoe iskusstvo XX veka. Vypusk 4 [Russian Acting Art.Vol. 4]. Ed. by. N.A. Tarshis, S.G. Sboeva. St. Petersburg, 2013, pp. 267–278.
  3. L. F. Makarev. Teatr. Tvorchestvo. Sudba: v 2 t. T. 1. Iskusstvo svobodnoj pedagogiki [L. F. Makariev. Theatre. Creation. Fate. In 2 vols. Vol. 2. The Art of Free Pedagogy]. Ed. by Yu.A. Vasilev. St. Petersburg.: RGISI, 2020. 639 p. 
  4. L. F. Makarev. Teatr. Tvorchestvo. Sud’ba: v 2 t. T. 2. “Ne utihaj, pamyat…” [L. F. Makariev. Theatre. Creation. Fate. In 2 vols. Vol. 2. “Do not Subside, Memory…”]. Ed. by Yu.A. Vasilev. St. Petersburg.: RGISI, 2020. 646 p.

Received: 11.10.2023

Revised: 08.11.2023

Accepted: 10.11.2023