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DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-4-229-235


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Maksim A. Semyonov

Film Historian, Historian (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Independent Researcher
Moscow, Russia

The Subjunctive Mood: Conversations without Ceremony


The review is devoted to the book by Armen N. Medvedev The Subjunctive Mood, compiled from transcripts of his lectures on the history of Russian cinema, which the film scholar gave at the State Russian Institute of Cinematography (VGIK). The combination of an academic approach and a conversational intonation; attention to both classic films of the Soviet canon and to films that had turned out to be marginal for the subsequent development of cinema, has allowed the author to introduce the reader to a wide range of topics and problems facing any researcher of Soviet cinema.


History of Soviet cinema, VGIK, cinema of the Thaw, history of film studies, A.N. Medvedev

For citation

Semyonov M.A. The Subjunctive Mood: Conversations Without Ceremony. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2023, no. 4, pp. 229–235.

DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-4-229-235



  1. . Medvedev A.N. Soslagatel’noe naklonenie. Besedy po istorii otechestvennogo kino [The Subjunctive Mood: Conversations on the History of Russian Cinema]. Moscow: Kinovedcheskaia artel’ 1895.io, 2023. 592 p. 
  2. Margolit E.Ya. Zhivoe i mertvoe. Zametki po istorii sovetskogo kino 1920–1960-kh godov [The Living and the Dead. Notes on the History of Soviet Cinema of the 1920s — 1960s]. St. Petersburg: Masterskaia “Seans”, 2012. 560 p. 
  3. Margolit E.Ya. V ozhidanii otveta. Otechestvennoe kino: fil’my i liudi [Waiting for an Answer. Russian Cinema: Films and People]. Moscow: Rosebud Publishing, 2019. 463 p. 
  4. Kleiman N. I. Etuidy ob Eizenshteine i Pushkine [Essays on Eisenstein and Pushkin]. Moscow: Garage, 2022. 519 p. 
  5. Kozlov L.K. Proizvedenie vo vremeni [A Work of Art in Time]. Moscow: Eisenstein Center, 2005. 447 p.
  6. Kovalov O.A. Iz(l)ucheniе strannogo [The Study/The Radiation of the Strange]. Vol. 1. St. Petersburg: Masterskaia “Seans”, 2016. 328 p.
  7. Kovalov O.A. Iz(l)ucheniе strannogo [The Study/The Radiation of the Strange]. Vol. 2. St. Petersburg: Masterskaia “Seans”, 2017. 326 p. 
  8. Liban N. I. Lektsii po istorii russkoi literatury: ot Drevnei Rusi do pervoi treti XIX veka [Lectures on the History of Russian Literature: From Ancient Rus’ to the First Third of the 19th Century]. Introduction and indexes by A.V. Arkhangel’skaia. Moscow: Moscow University Publishing House, 2005. 460 p.

Received: 25.10.2023

Revised: 05.11.2023

Accepted: 12.11.2023