УДК: 792.2(=161.1)"1917/1918"
DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2024-1-10-27
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Ostrovsky’s House and the Revolution: The Maly Theatre in October 1917 — January 1918
The history of the Maly Theatre in the first months after the October Revolution is full of real, non-stage drama. It has yet remained little studied. In this article, it is observed in detail for the first time on the basis of the materials from various Moscow and Saint Petersburg archives. After the theatre’s destruction in early November 1917, the shocked troupe faced two urgent tasks. Firstly, it was necessary to overcome the consequences of the invasion and start the working and creative process again (it happened by the end of November). The second and more difficult task was to determine the place of the Maly Theatre in the changed world, taking into account new political circumstances. The troupe was disjointed: some spoke against the cooperation with the Bolsheviks (the “irreconcilables” were led by A. I. Sumbatov-Yuzhin), while others supported an agreement with the Soviet government (this group was headed by another theatre leader O. A. Pravdin). However, both Yuzhin and Pravdin (honored artists, masters of the stage) believed that the theatre should in any case maintain the autonomous self–management. By the end of January, 1918 the need for some kind of formal agreement with the Bolsheviks became obvious. Further uncertainty in the position of the Ostrovsky’s House was destroying the troupe. Some of its members were preparing to leave for the private stage. After a short struggle inside the theatre, it was decided to admit representatives of the Artistic and Educational Department of the Moscow Council, headed by the Bolshevik E. K. Malinovskaya, to discuss the Temporary situation of the State Moscow Maly Theatre. It was supposed to determine both the internal structure of the theatre and its attitude to the supreme power in the country.
For citation
Gordeev P. N. Ostrovsky’s House and the Revolution: The Maly Theatre in October 1917 — January 1918.
Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2024, no. 1, pp. 10–27.
DOI: 10.35852 / 2588‑0144‑2024‑1-10-27
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Received: 22.11.2023
Revised: 29.12.2023
Accepted: 13.01.2024