УДК: 75.038.12(=161.1) "19"
DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2024-1-175-186
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N.M. Tarabukin about Mikhail Larionov (1923)
An article by N.M. Tarabukin was written in 1923 and was dedicated to the art works of
M. F. Larionov. It is published now for the first time. Criticizing the “theory of Rayonism” from
a scientific point of view for being naive, the art expert, unlike N.N. Punin, do not mention
the “impressionistic” period in the artist’s work. He highlights only “primitivist” paintings and
analyzes the master’s formal techniques. Tarabukin emphasizes the role of plane, composition and color, the importance of the line and the texture. Concentrating on the “primitivistic”
period in Larionov’s work, the author of the article anticipated further works of Russian art
critics. The publication is accompanied by a foreword and comments from the publisher.
M. F. Larionov (1881–1964), N. M. Tarabukin (1889–1956), Art of the 20th Century,
Russian art, Soviet Avant-garde, Rayonism.
For citation
Dunaev A. G. N. M. Tarabukin about Mikhail Larionov (1923). Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2024, no. 1, pp. 175–186.
DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2024-1-175-186
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Received: 16.06.2023
Revised: 19.11.2023
Accepted: 15.01.2024