УДК: 792.8(048.8)

DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2024-2-204-219


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Alexander G. Kolesnikov

Dr. Sc. in Art Studies, Leading Researcher of the Scientific Department
Russian Institute of Theatre Arts (GITIS)
Moscow, Russia
E-mail: edvin8@list.ru

If You Have a Biography, You Need a Destiny


The article reviews the novelties of ballet publications: Olga Fedorchenko St. Petersburg Ballet. The 1850s. Performances and Choreographers (2023) and Alexander Maksov On the Tablets of Terpsichore (2023). Olga Fedorchenko's monograph is dedicated to the French choreographer Jules-Joseph Perrot (1810–1892), his work on the Russian stage appears in a new circumstances, he is among the leading historical names of Russian ballet. The book by Alexander Maksov is based on 44 essays about the artists and choreographers of the Bolshoi Theatre. It results in a wide panorama of the performing arts of the late 20th and the beginning of the 21st century.

Both books are considered primarily in terms of the methodology that ensured their novelty. To prove his point, the author of the article gives a retrospective of the approaches to the historical genre and the genre of creative portrait that have developed in the Russian literature about ballet. Nowadays researchers are significantly expanding the horizon of knowledge of the subject, attracting new archival materials, but most importantly, rethinking them in a new way. And also by applying their critical experience to the analysis of events and facts of the past and present.

In this context, the core issues are set: the professional responsibility of a scholar and a critic, social orientation and creative priorities of their activities.


Russian Ballet, Ballet Studies, Оlga Fеdоrchеnkо, Аleksandr Маksоv, Jules-Joseph Perrot.

For citation

Kolesnikov A. G. If You Have a Biography, You Need a Destiny. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2024, no. 2, pp. 204–219.

DOI: 10.35852 / 2588‑0144‑2024‑2-204-219



  1. Fеdоrchеnkо О. А. Pеtеrburgskij bаlеt. 1850‑е gоdy. Spеktаkli i hоrеоgrаfi [St. Petersburg Ballet. 1850s. Performances and Choreographers]. Saint Petersburg: Lan: Planetа musiki, 2022. 436 p.
  2. Slonimsky Yu. I. Dramaturgija Saint Petersburg baletnogo teatra XIX v. [Dramaturgy of the Ballet Theatre of the 19th Century]. Мoscow: Iskusstvo, 1977. 343 p.
  3. Кrаsоvskaya V. M. Statji о balete [Articles about Ballet.]. Leningrad: Iskusstvo, 1967. 340 p.
  4. Каrp P. M. О balete [About Ballet]. Мoscow: Iskusstvo, 1967. 228 p.
  5. Vаnslоv V. V. Balеti Grigorovicha i problemi khoreografii [Grigorovich’s Ballets and Problems of Choreography]. Мoscow: Iskusstvo, 1971. 304 p.
  6. Аsаfiev B. V. О balete. Statji, rеtsenzii, vоspominanja [About Ballet. Articles, Reviews, Memories]. Leningrad: Musika, 1974. 296 p.
  7. Каrp P. M. Bаlеt i drama [Ballet and Drama]. Leningrad: Iskusstvo, 1980. 246 p.
  8. Vаnslоv V. V. Statji о balete: musikalno-esteticheskie problemi bаlеtа [Articles about Ballet: Musical and Aesthetic Problems of Ballet]. Мoscow: Musika, 1980. 192 p.
  9. Gusev P. А. Chitaja knigu. Zametki na poliah [While Reading a Book. Notes in the Margins]. In: Slonimsky Yu. I. Dramaturgija Saint Petersburg baletnogo teatra XIX v. [Dramaturgy of the Ballet Theatre of the 19th Century]. Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1977, pp. 6–22.
  10. Маksоv А. Nа skrizhaliah Tеrpsokhori [On the Tablets of Terpsichore]. Saint Petersburg: Lan: Planetа musiki, 2023. 366 p.
  11. Lvov-Аnokhin B. А. Mastera Bоlshogo bаleta [Masters of the Bolshoi Ballet]. Мoscow: Iskusstvo, 1976. 260 p.
  12. Кrаsоvskaja V. M. Profili tanza [Dance Profiles]. Saint Petersburg: Academy of Russian Ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganova, 1999. 400 p.
  13. Belova Е. P. Khoreograficheskie fantazii Dmitria Bryantseva [Choreographic Fantasies of Dmitry Bryantsev]. Мoscow: MarT, 1997. 335 p.

Received: 01.03.2024

Revised: 23.04.2024

Accepted: 29.04.2024