Music in the Performances of the First Studio of Moscow Art Theatre: from La Marseillaise to Jester’s Song (1913–1917)
The exploration of the creative path of the Moscow Art Theatre’s First Studio and the
Moscow Art Theatre the 2nd (1912–1936) is one of the current areas of modern theatre
historiography. As the embodiment of all three aspects of the studio — educational and
methodological, experimental and theatrical and “chamber-theatrical” — the troupe
eventually crossed all the boundaries and became one of the most significant theatres
of the 20th century. The experience in the production started itself at the point to which
the Moscow Art Theatre’s directing was at 1912. The evolution of music in the studio’s
performances of the pre-revolutionary period seemed to present in a condensed form
the main achievements of the first 15 years of the Art Theatre. Creative problems that
directors had to resolve: acceptance or denial of the playwright’s will to the sound design
of the action, the introduction of an author’s or compilation musical composition, — were
intertwined with organizational issues, the creation of an orchestra, and the invitation of
composers. It was possible to judge the details of this process only from indirect information
until recently. In 2023 the archive of the conductor N. N. Rakhmanov who worked in
Moscow Art Theatre the 2nd was revealed (Russian State Archive of Literary and Arts) and
it clarified much. The main task of the research at this stage is to systematize the complex
of production materials of various kinds and fill in the information gaps that remain due
to the loss of some musical scores and documents of production activities.
Moscow Art Theatre, First Studio, Stanislavsky, Boleslavsky, Sushkevich, Vakhtangov,
Rakhmanov, theatre music.
For citation
Naumov A. V. Music in the Performances of the First Studio of Moscow Art Theatre: from La Marseillaise to
Jester’s Song (1913–1917). Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2024, no. 2, pp. 18–40.
DOI: 10.35852 / 2588‑0144‑2024‑2-18-40
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Received: 03.03.2024
Revised: 12.05.2024
Accepted: 14.05.2024