At Us the Europe!: The Principle of Transformation in the Performance by V.E. Meyerhold (On the Centenary of the Premiere)
The agitational sketch by Vs. E. Meyerhold At Us the Europe!, which premiered in June
1924, became a vivid example of a political propaganda play based on a rather poor
dramaturgy, but firmly made by theatre means of expression. The mobile stage decorations
in the form of movable billboards, three projection screens, actors’ transformations (constant
changes of the characters played by one actor) and the immediate reaction of the content to
both social and political events made this performance a fairly successful project.
Meyerhold himself noted that the main task set for the theatre in this performance is the implementation of the principle of transformation. The setting was so complex that every movement
of the billboard, actor, projection of the filmstrip, light and music score was recorded by
the theatre’s technical services. This research is devoted to the study of this performance
based on archival materials (RGALI and SCTM named after A.A. Bakhrushin). It analyzes
for the first time the director's version of the play At Us the Europe! written in 1924, the list
of episodes and its variability, material elements, music score, the role of screens, and also
reveals how the principle of transformation was implemented on stage and how it influenced the perception of this performance. At Us the Europe! had several versions — from
the original one (staged in 1924) to At Us the Soviet Europe! (in 1930), but the mobility
of this structure suggests that constant variability was its predetermined characteristic and
therefore it is important to study the features of this factor. In the history of the theatre, At Us
the Europe! has become an impressive, masterfully developed form of a large propaganda
performance, and its style has become a kind of production standard.
V.E. Meyerhold, At Us the Europe!, transformation, propaganda performance, theatre
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Received: 01.07.2024
Revised: 25.07.2024
Accepted: 29.07.2024