Soul of the dance. To the anniversary of Olga Tarasova
The article is devoted to the creative biography of the outstanding choreographer, ballet
dancer and professor of GITIS Olga Tarasova, who celebrated her 95th birthday in 2022.
Olga Georgievna graduated from the Moscow Choreography School (nowadays – Moscow State Choreography Academy) in 1946. Then she began her professional
career in the ballet troupe of the Bolshoi Theatre, and in 1957 received second education
at GITIS as a choreographer.
During twenty years at the Bolshoi Theatre, Olga Tarasova gained a reliable experience
as a dancer and ballet soloist in numerous classical productions Raymonda, Don Quixote,
Thunder Path, Eugene Onegin, Prince Igor, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Mermaid and many others.
Many performances were released by Olga Georgievna as a choreographer at the Bolshoi
Theatre. Olga Tarasova has also staged performances in many cities of Russia and abroad.
She has worked in Japan with Tokyo Ballet troupe; in Turkey with Ankara Opera Theatre;
in Germany – with Hannover Opera Theatre; in Bulgaria – with the Arabesque ballet
troupe; in Kazakhstan – at the Alma-Ata Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Abai;
in Kazan Opera and Ballet Theatre; in Odessa Opera and Ballet Theatre, in Moscow
Children’s Musical Theatre; in Chelyabinsk Opera and Ballet Theatre, etc.
From 1968 to the present day Olga Tarasova has been teaching students- choreographers.
Working according to the methodology of the department, Olga Tarasova continues to develop a clear line of classical dance which is the main feature of the Bolshoi Ballet.
The range of Olga Tarasova activities is unusually wide. She is the author of a Cand. Sc. thesis Choreographic embodiment of symphonic music (1977), a number of scientific and
methodological works.
Olga Tarasova, Soviet ballet, Bolshoi Theatre, GITIS, the art of the choreographer.
For citation
Rubanova L. G. Soul of the dance. To the anniversary of Olga Tarasova. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2022, no. 4, pp. 209–219.
DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2022-4-209-219
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- Lifar S. Tanets. Osnovnyye techeniya akademicheskogo tantsa [Dance. The main currents of academic dance]. Moscow: GITIS, 2014. 232 p.
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- Zakharov R.V. Slovo o tantse. [A word about dance]. Moscow: Molodaya gvardiya, 1979. 159 p.
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- Tarasova O. G. O nekotorykh metodakh raboty baletmeystera s simfonicheskoy muzykoy [On some methods of work of a choreographer with symphonic music]. In: Voprosy vospitaniya baletmeystera v teatral’nom vuze [Issues of education of a choreographer in a theatre university]. Moscow: GITIS, 1980, pp. 33–47.
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Received: 21.10.2022
Revised: 11.11.2022
Accepted: 13.11.2022