About the Journal
Academic journal “Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music” (ISSN 2588-0144 (online) ISSN 1998- 8745 (print)) has been included by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles (VAK) in the list of peer-reviewed academic publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations must be published for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the academic degree of Doctor of Sciences (as of 10.06.2024) in the following areas of specialization: 5.9.1. Russian literature and literatures of the peoples of the Russian Federation (Philological Sciences), 5.10.1. Theory and history of culture and of art (Art Studies), 5.10.3. Art forms (“Theatre arts”; “Musical art”; "Cinema, television and other screen arts”; “Fine arts, decorative and applied arts and architecture”; “Choreographic art”) (Art Studies).
In accordance with the Distribution of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of journals within the List of peer-reviewed academic publications into categories for 2023, the journal “Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music” is included in the second quartile (K2).
The journal is registered with the Federal Service for monitoring compliance with mass communication and cultural heritage protection laws. Certificate of registration of a media outlet PI No. FS77-27600 dated March 15, 2007.
The subscription index of the publication is 41238 in the United Catalogue “Russian Press”.
The electronic version of the publication is publicly available.
All articles in the journal are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
There is no fee for the publication of manuscripts.
The journal is published quarterly (once every 3 months).
Established in 2008.
Subject Areas of the Academic Journal
Theatre Arts
Musical Art
from antiquity to contemporary reality, connections of music with other arts, their interaction and
mutual influence.
Screen Arts
cinema, television art, video art, and other audiovisual forms.
Fine Arts
Choreographic Art
works of domestic and foreign choreography and their interaction; classification of types of
choreographic art, analysis of their nature, the study of choreographic texts and the possibility of
recording and preserving samples of folk and classical heritage.
Theory and History of Art
Traditions and innovations in the history of art. Interdisciplinary approaches to the study of art.
Principles of periodization in the historical development of art. Historiography and source study
of the history of art. The emergence and development of both historically remote and
contemporary art phenomena. Preservation of cultural and historical memory and protection of
cultural heritage. Traditional, mass and elite art in the national and world history.
History of the Drama
of its refractions in artistic creation. Individual and typological expressions of genre and style
features of dramatic works as they develop throughout history.
Publication and Review
Editorial Staff
Grigoriy A. Zaslavskiy
(Moscow, Russia)
Artem N. Zorin
Maria S. Berlova
Alexander G. Kolesnikov
Natalya S. Ryabchikova
Article Submission
The author's manuscripts are sent to: gitis-journal@yandex.ru
The rules for the design of articles can be viewed at the link.
Articles are published free of charge.
Contacts of the Editorial Staff
+7 (958) 673-65-62E-mail:
6, Maly Kislovsky Lane, MoscowArbatskaya subway station