The synthesis of tradition in contemporary theatre of Bangladesh: “The theatre of roots”
The article examines how the Eastern traditional theatre responded to the Western theatre
in the context of the British colonial regime in the Indian subcontinent. From this point of view,
the dialogue between cultures was practically not considered. Hence, this study is devoted to
understanding the synthesis of European theatre and traditional theatre, which began to be
considered a rural art form by the early twentieth century, meaning something simple or low.
In contrast, urban theatre of the European type was perceived as something refined or high.
Rabindranath Tagore had not been fully successful in synthesizing heterogeneous theatrical
traditions in his lyrical plays. The Indian People’s Theatre Association (IPTA), an all-India
organization of progressive writers-artists-activists, was established in Mumbai (Bombay)
in 1943, played a significant role in creating the new cultural expression in the map of colonial Bengali theatre. Also, after obtaining independence in 1971, the theatre artists
of Bangladesh sought a new language of performance in the urban theater, which would
embody the people’s lives, hopes, and dreams. Eventually, the national cultural movement
emerged in the decade of 90s in the last century. The movement was called the “Theatre
of Roots”, which attempted to synthesize the traditional elements with the Western forms and
enjoyed great popularity. Therefore, the article analyzes the play Wheel by Selim Al Deen,
directed by Syed Jamil Ahmed, the most significant examples of the “Theatre of Roots”
movement. In the study of this production, an analysis of the artistic process of synthesis
of traditions in the modern urban theatre of Bangladesh is carried out.
Modern theatre of Bangladesh, colonial theatre of India, R. Tagore, narrative
performance, “Theatre of Roots”, the play Wheel, Syed Jamil Ahmed, Selim Al Deen.
For citation
Bhuyan A. B. MD Ziaul Haque. The synthesis of tradition in contemporary theatre of Bangladesh: “The theatre of roots”. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2022, no. 4, pp. 84–104.
DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2022-4-84-104
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Received: 26.08.2022
Revised: 07.09.2022
Accepted: 21.11.2022