Theodoros Terzopoulos’ method as an independent acting school
The author analyses the basic principles of the theatrical method of the Greek director
Theodoros Terzopoulos, founder of the Athenian theatre, “Attis,” within the stage director’s
attitude towards thephysicality of an actor, in connection to the relation between body and
emotion, and, what is even more important, in the process of actor’s training. Considering
the example of Theodoros Terzopoulos’ performances and based on his words about
the main ideas of his methodology, the article analyzes the specificity of movement and
actor’s existence via this method from the director’s philosophical point of view that includes
the epoch, the man, and the issues of theatre and actor. The author makes comparisons
between Terzopoulos’s system and other theatre systems (such of E. G. Kreg, A. Arthaud,
E. Grotowski).
Theodoros Terzopoulos’ method is formed on the border of the predecessor systems – from
Meyerhold to Muller, oriental bodily and religious practices, however, at the same time
it represents a unique form of theatrical aesthetics and provides an independent direction
for the education of an actor. This methodology can be assessed as a self-sufficient acting
Although his method is not typical in Russian theatre practice, it does not become an obstacle
to its incorporation into Russian theatrical practice. Terzopoulos' trainings can help an actor
to learn how to create what is called the scale of emotion. The rituality of his theatre teaches
the actor to deal with non-normative aesthetics, and a deep study of the human body and
its unconscious behavior and instincts can allow the actor to exist convincingly in the most
aggravated and extreme stage circumstances.
Theodoros Terzopoulos, method, training, actor, theatre.
For citation
Akshentsev T. F. Theodoros Terzopoulos’ method as an independent acting school. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2022, no. 4, pp. 169–189.
DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2022-4-169-189
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Received: 02.10.2022
Revised: 11.11.2022
Accepted: 13.11.2022