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DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-1-187-195

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Olga J. Rakhalskaya

Independent Scholar, the widow of the composer Mieczysław Samuilovich Weinberg and the keeper of his private archive
Moscow, Russia

The world of Mieczysław Weinberg


In 2022, there was published an interesting book by Polish musicologist Danuta Gwizdalanka Mieczyslaw Weinberg: a Composer of Three Worlds in n a good translation into Russian by Alexey Davtyan. This is a joint project of the Musical Review newspaper and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute (within the framework of the cultural program “NIEPODLEGLA” coordinated by the Institute for 2017–2022), which cannot but be welcomed. The composer’s family attentively and gratefully studies all available publications devoted to the life and work of M. S. Weinberg. Especially when we stumble across books in which the authors seek to supply the composer's biography with newly discovered facts, testimonies, documents, along with serious art studies in scientific journals and monographs. Such reaction is by no means aimed at curbing the creative, research, critical initiative of biographers and analysts in our country and abroad. The composer’s heirs are grateful to the Musical Review and the St. Petersburg branch of the Composer Publishing House for organizing a high-quality Russian translation and publication of D. Gwizdalanka's book in Russia. This made it possible to study the new monograph in detail and note its indisputable advantages, as well as obvious drawbacks.


M.S. Weinberg, D. Gwizdalanka, Soviet music, music of the ХХ century.

For citation

Rakhalskaya O.Y. The World of Mieczysław Weinberg. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2023, no. 1, pp. 187–195.

DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-1-187-195


  1. Gwizdalanka Danuta. Mechislav Vajnberg — kompozitor trekh mirov [Mieczysław Weinberg: a Composer of Three Worlds]. Saint Petersburg: Kompozitor — Sankt-Peterburg, 2022. 212 p.
  2. Nikitina L. D. Simfonii M. Vajnberga [Symphonies by M. Weinberg]. Moscow: Muzyka, 1972. 209 p. 
  3. Nikitina L. D. Moisey (Mechislav) Vaynberg [Moses (Mieczysław) Weinberg] Sem' iskusstv. 2021, no. 4 (131). Available from: https://7i.7iskusstv.com/y2021/nomer4/lnikitina/ (accessed 17th December 2022). 
  4. Klokova A. G. Mechislav Vajnberg (1919–1996). Stranicy biografii. Pis'ma [Mieczysław Weinberg (1919–1996). Sketches for biography. Letters]. Moscow: Biblioteka gazety “Muzykal'noe obozrenie”, 2017. 72 p.

Received: 22.09.2022

Revised: 21.12.2022

Accepted: 25.01.2023