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DOI: DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-2-118-134


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Elena A. Andrienko

Assistant professor of the Department of Choreography
Russian Institute of Theatre Arts (GITIS)
Moscow, Russia

Tchaikovsky and Petipa Ballet “Sleeping Beauty” and the Mechanism of Professional Formation of the Artist


The article examines the phenomenon of a unique choreographic performance “Sleeping Beauty”, created by two geniuses of the 19th century — composer P. I. Tchaikovsky and choreographer M. I. Petipa. The statements of their contemporaries and ballet historians S.N. Khudekov and A.A. Pleshcheev make it possible to trace how the attitude towards the ballet and its significance has changed in the history of Russian choreographic art. Based on the experience of mastering the role of Aurora by outstanding ballerinas of the Imperial Mariinsky Theatre (M. F. Kshesinskaya, A.M. Pavlova, T.P. Karsavina and O.V. Spesivtseva) an overview of performance interpretations in the staged mastering of M.I. Petipa’s compositions, from corps de ballet to solo roles, as well as in the 20th century in the productions of Yu.N. Grigorovich. The tables below show the stages of progress in mastering the repertoire of ballerinas, which can serve as a guideline in developing a modern approach to working on a choreographic part.


Petipa, Tchaikovsky, “The Sleeping Beauty”, Russian Ballet.

For citation

Andrienko E.A. Tchaikovsky and Petipa Ballet “Sleeping Beauty” and the Mechanism of Professional Formation of the Artist. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2023, no. 2, pp. 118–134.

DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-2-118-134



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  2. Khudekov S.N. Baletnaja kritika. Kniga 1. Stat’i 1860-kh — 1890-kh godov [Ballet criticism. Book 1. Articles of the 1860s — 1890s]. St. Petersburg: Akademiya Russkogo baleta, 2020. 188 p. 
  3. Khudekov S.N. Baletnayakritika. Kniga 2. Stat’i 1900-kh godov [Ballet criticism. Book 2. Articles from the 1900’s.]. St. Petersburg: Akademiya Russkogo baleta, 2021. 232 p. 
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  9. Anna Pavlova. Ed. by E.M. Fedosova, S.V. Laletin. St. Petersburg: Art Deco, 2006. 214 p. 
  10. Tamara Karsavina. Ed. by E.M. Fedosova, S.V. Laletin. St. Petersburg: Art Deco, 2010. 266 p. 
  11. Olga Spesivtseva. Ed. by E.M. Fedosova, S.V. Laletin, V. Golovitzer. St. Petersburg: Art Deco, 2009. 210 p. 
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Received: 13.02.2023

Revised: 06.05.2023

Accepted: 12.05.2023