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DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-2-186-203


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Anastasia V. Kovaleva

PhD in Biology, Head of the Psychophysiological research group, Leading researcher
P. K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology
Moscow, Russia

Elena A. Kriklenko

researcher in the Psychophysiological research group
P. K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology
Moscow, Russia

Elena N. Likhomanova

PhD student, clinical psychologist
P. K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology
Moscow, Russia

Natalia E. Shurganova

Professor assistant of Drama directing Department
Russian Institute of Theatre Arts (GITIS)
Moscow, Russia

Victor A. Nizhelskoy

Cand. Sc. in Pedagogy, Art-director
Ryutsu Keizai University
Chiba, Japan

The relationship between the quality of reading by students-actors and their level of neuroticism and preferred coping strategies


The study aimed to reveal the relationship between indicators of performing a creative task (objective and subjective) and the level of neuroticism and preferred coping strategies among student actors. As a creative task, students were offered an original model that is close to the professional activity of actors and contains tasks of two levels of complexity: sequential expressive reading of straight (simple task) and inverted text (difficult task) at equal intervals (1 minute). The number of words read per minute was an objective assessment of tasks. A subjective (expert) assessment of the reading quality was carried out by the course teacher on a 10-point scale according to the following parameters: diction, artistry and content. Firstly, psychological testing of neuroticism and preferred coping strategies was conducted. It was revealed that with an increase in the task complexity, the teacher’s assessments shifted from the creative, artistic component of the actor’s activity to the technical one. There were no correlations between the level of neuroticism, coping strategies of actors and the teacher’s scores for the creative task. The most popular coping were escape-avoidance and confrontation, and the most unpopular — planning and self-control. Thus, the study of acting students showed that neither the level of neuroticism nor the preferred coping strategies affect the teacher’s assessment for a creative task. Statistically, only an objective increase in the level of complexity of this task was associated with the teacher’s assessment. This result emphasizes the need for an individual approach in creative disciplines, as well as changing the criteria for evaluating students’ creative skills when performing tasks of different levels of complexity.


Theatre pedagogy, creative task, subjective assessment, level of neuroticism, coping strategies.

For citation

Kriklenko E.A., Kovaleva A.V., Likhomanova E.N., Nizhelskoy V.A., Shurganova N. E. The relationship between the quality of reading by students-actors and their level of neuroticism and preferred coping strategies. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2023, no. 2, pp. 186–203.

DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-2-186-203



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E.A. Kriklenko — collection of primary data, compilation of tables for statistical processing, section “Research Methodology”, “Introduction”, “Results”, figures and table; A.V. Kovaleva — research management, design, selection of methods, statistical data processing, section “Conclusion”, text editing; E. N Likhomanova — psychological testing, analysis of the results, sections “Introduction”, “Research Methodology”, “Results”; V.A. Nizhelskoy — organization of research and interaction with students, sections “Introduction”, “Conclusion”; N. E. Shurganova — art history research methodology, sections “Introduction”, “Conclusion”. All authors discussed the results and contributed to the final version of the article.

Received: 01.04.2023

Revised: 10.05.2023

Accepted: 13.05.2023