УДК: [792.83:793.31](620)
DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-3-10-36
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Moscow — Cairo. Egyptian Stage Folk Dance: Legacy of Soviet Choreographers
Based on a wide range of sources, including archival ones, what follows a history
of Soviet-Egyptian cooperation in choreographic art from 1957–1976. Special attention is paid to the contribution of choreographers Igor Moiseev, Boris and Larisa
Ramazin, Anatoly Borzov, Alla Shulgina, and others. They helped to create and develop Egyptian stage folk dance. Soviet choreographers played a decisive role in the
development of Egyptian stage folk dance in its modern form. Within the Agreement
on Cultural Cooperation between the USSR and the Arab Republic of Egypt, they
collected folk dance material in the regions of Egypt and staged it for the repertoire
of The National Folkloric Dance Troupe of Egypt and the Cairo Ballet Company. They
also played an important role in the creation of the Higher Ballet Institute and School
at The National Folkloric Dance Troupe. This formed the base for the system of professional training of choreographers, which still works in this country. The published
information changes the ideas about the history of both the folk forms of Egyptian
stage dance and the female dance raqs sharqi in the second half of the 20th century.
Egyptian dance, Soviet choreography, folk dance, Igor Moiseev, Boris Ramazin,
Larisa Ramazina, Anatoly Borzov, bellydance, raqs sharqi.
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Received: 08.05.2023
Revised: 08.08.2023
Accepted: 14.08.2023