What has Little Red Riding Hood Done to You? Cartoon Story
The fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood is one of the most popular in modern culture. Its
archaic sense (a warning about the danger of a werewolf) had long ago lost its relevance, and the fairy tale plot turns out to be just a form. But this form requires new ideas
and constantly generates new meanings. Meanwhile, the cartoon interpretations of the
Little Red Riding Hood plot, along with all the others, claim to be the embodiment of
the “true” content of the story. However, none of them conveys the “originality” of the
tale, which it has in the very beginning.
The fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood has inspired its adaptation in more than fifteen
Russian animated films. In the first adaptations made by V. and Z. Brumberg (1937)
and B. Stepantsev (1958), the innovation of the plot was based on a helper hero (the
Cat and pioneer Petya, respectively), who actively participated in the action and much
changed it. Moreover, Petya was initially a hero from the fairy-tale suite by Sergey
Prokofiev Petya and the Wolf (1936). In film adaptations, starting with the film by
Gary Bardin (1990), the plot is innovative via cumulation IncRedible Riding Hood,
2017–2019), The True Story of the Red Riding Hood (2005) and The Red Riding
Hood Against Evil (2011). Another way is the assistant characters Little Red Riding
Hood (1995). This increases the length of films, but reduces the dynamics necessary
for cartoons. A long series of anonymous animated works of recent times about Little
Red Riding Hood speculates on the undemanding requests of the viewer, who is a child.
Little Red Riding Hood, fairy tale, film adaptation, animation, folk story, cumulation.
For citation
Stroganov M.V. What has Little Red Riding Hood Done to You? Cartoon Story. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2023, no. 3, pp. 37–61.
DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-3-37-61
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Received: 20.05.2023
Revised: 03.07.2023
Accepted: 11.07.2023