Rehabilitation. Art. Pedagogy. 3rd International Online School on the Physiology of Expressive Movement
The article is devoted to a review of the 3rd international online school on the physiology
of expressive movement “Rehabilitation. Art. Pedagogy”, which took place on November
16th, 2022. The main topic of the scientific discussion was the phenomenon of expressive
movement as a manifestation of the creative and motor abilities of a person, as well as it
being one of the possible markers of his inner, spiritual world. Two previous online schools
have shown that this topic seems to be very interesting to a wide range of scientific community, which includes representatives of the medical rehabilitation sphere, the performing
arts, dance history researchers, physiologists and body-oriented therapists. However, this
time the concept of the school was aimed at finding points of contact between the direct experience of theatre pedagogy and practicing psychologists and physiologists. This concept
has become not only a characteristic feature of the 3rd online school, but also revealed a
special scientific approach, which is the interdisciplinary nature of the discussion. The event
was organized by the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education of
the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation together with the Russian Institute of Theatre
Arts (GITIS) (as a part of the “Priority-2030” Strategic Academic Leadership Program)
under the support of the National Association of Physiotherapy and Balneology. Such a
scientific union is significant for further research. Since the school is an interdisciplinary one,
which makes it unique, the article presents brief summaries of the reports that present a wide
range of scientific and practical issues of physiotherapy, rehabilitation, theatre pedagogy,
and the history of plastic expressiveness.
Expressive movement, rehabilitation. pedagogy, physiology, psychology, theatre, art.
For citation
Nizhelskoy V.A., Zaytseva T.N., Loseva-Demidova E.S. Rehabilitation. Art. Pedagogy. 3rd International Online School on the Physiology of Expressive Movement. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2023, no. 3, pp. 225–237.
DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-3-225-237
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V.A. Nizhelskoy — organizing and moderating the n online school, conceptual part of the article, drafting and editing the text; T.N. Zaytseva — editing parts of the text dealing with medical topics; E.S. LosevaDemidova — editing parts of the text dealing with theatrical topics, participation in editing proves of the text.
Received: 14.02.2023
Revised: 02.06.2023
Accepted: 15.06.2023