East — West. The Interaction of Opposite of Artistic Systems in the Buryat Ballet Theatre
The article is devoted to the interaction between different art systems in modern choreographic art. This allows the academic troupe to reveal their artistic potential in the
context of current trends in ballet aesthetics. The article also deals with the problem of
mastering a new dance language, using the techniques of contemporary dance and,
in particular, dance improvisation in the course of interaction between the national
theatre and foreign choreographers. In Buryat theatre such experiments are associated with the names of Peter Quanz and Tamas Geza Moritz. The result of their work
with the Buryat troupe was the ballet performances, In tandem, Souvenir du Bach,
Dzambuling and Equivalence to the pointe. Choreographers tried to combine the
bodies of dancers with academic skills with the basics of modern choreography, to
immerse them in the unknown, and to create an opportunity for the actors themselves
to see other ways of dance.
At the same time, the choreographers P. Quanz and T. G. Moritz, that we invited to
work in Buryatia, took into account the national culture and traditions of Buryat people, dealing with a choreographic environment which was unfamiliar to them. It was
not a mechanical transfer of all their skills to the dancers, but a research adaptation
of modern dance language to a culture that used another one. That’s why their work
is so significant.
Peter Quanz, Tamas Geza Moritz, William Forsyth, Buryat theatre, Buryat ballet, national
culture, modern choreography, contemporary dance, improvisation.
For citation
Dorzhieva G.S. East — West. The Interaction of Opposite of Artistic Systems in the Buryat Ballet Theatre. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2023, no. 3, pp. 186–203.
DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-3-186-203
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Received: 20.03.2023
Revised: 25.06.2023
Accepted: 09.07.2023