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DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-3-158-172


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Kirill L. Goryachok

Cand. Sc. in Philosophy, Researcher
The State Institute for Art Studies
Moscow, Russia

The Story of a Comission: How Esfir Shub and Dziga Vertov Worked on a Film for the Tenth Anniversary of the Revolution


In September 1926, the Agitprop of the Central Committee commissioned a commemorative documentary film from the Moscow studio Sovkino to mark the tenth anniversary of the October Revolution. The film, under the working title Ten Years, was entrusted to the main documentary filmmaker of the era, Dziga Vertov. However, the chairman of the studio’s board, Ilya Trainin, opposed him as a candidate and put forward his own, a young filmmaker Esfir Shub. The bureaucrat removed Vertov from working on the commissioned film because he was sure that the director would not be able to make the film ideologically correct. Internal intrigues lead to Trainin barring Vertov’s access to the Sovkino film library and later seeking the director’s dismissal from the studio. The story of the film Ten Years demonstrates the changes in the perception of documentary films on the part of the party and the leadership. The article uses previously unpublished archival documents that shed light on the beginning of Esfir Shub’s work as a director, as well as on the details of Dziga Vertov’s dismissal from Sovkino.


History of cinema, documentary cinema, Dziga Vertov, Esfir Shub.

For citation

Goryachok K.L. The Story of a Comission: How Esfir Shub and Dziga Vertov Worked on a Film for the Tenth Anniversary of the Revolution. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2023, no. 3, pp. 158–172.

DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-3-158-172



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  12. Materialy raboty D. Vertova nad dokumental’nym fil’mom “10 let”: protokol, dokladnaia zapiska i dr. [Materials of D. Vertov’s Sork on the Documentary Film Ten Years: Minutes, Memorandum, etc.]. RGALI. F. 2091. Op. 2. Ed. khr. 405. L. 3–4. 
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  14. Materialy ob uvol’nenii D. Vertova s raboty v “Sovkino”: protokoly zasedanij, rezoliutsii, perepiska i dr. [Materials on the Dismissal of D. Vertov from “Sovkino”: Minutes of Meetings, Resolutions, Correspondence, etc.]. RGALI. F. 2091. Op. 2. Ed. khr. 406. L. 33. 
  15. Proizvodstvennye i tematicheskie plany aktsionernykh obshchestv “Sovkino”, “Mezhrabpom-Rus’”, otchety, perepiska [Production and Thematic Plans of Joint-stock Companies “Sovkino”, “Mezhrabpom-Rus”, Reports, Correspondence]. RGALI. F. 645. Op. 1. Ed. khr. 355. L. 246. 
  16. Materialy raboty D. Vertova nad dokumental’nym fil’mom “10 let”: protokol, dokladnaja zapiska i dr. [Materials of D. Vertov’s Work on the Documentary Film Ten Years: Minutes, Memorandum, etc.]. RGALI. F. 2091. Op. 2. Ed. khr. 405. L. 12–13.
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  19. Perepiska “Sovkino”, Glavnogo upravlenija po delam kino, moskovskikh i oblastnykh kinostudii s uchrezhdenijami, organizatsijami, izdatel’stvami po voprosam retsenzirovanija stsenariev M.Z. Tseitlina, organizatsii s’emok, prosmotrov fil’mov, vyplate gonorarov i dr. [Correspondence of “Sovkino”, the Main Directorate for Cinema Affairs, Moscow and Rregional Film Studios with Institutions, Organizations, Publishing Houses on the Issues of Reviewing Scripts by M.Z. Zeitlin, Organizing Filming, Film Screenings, Payment of Fees, etc.]. RGALI. F. 2965. Op. 1. Ed. khr. 102. L. 3.
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  25. Tetrad’ s nabroskami stsenariev dokumental’nykh fil’mov “Chelovek s kinoapparatom”, “Zemlia”, “Odinnadtsatyi”, montazhnymi planami i skhemami, spiskami ob’ektov s’emki, dnevnikovymi zapisiami i dr. [Notebook with Drafts of Scripts for Documentaries A Man with a Movie Camera, Earth, The Eleventh Year, Editing Plans and Outlines, Lists of Shooting Locations, Diary Eentries, etc.]. RGALI. F. 2091. Op. 2. Ed. khr. 236. L. 9–9ob. 
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  28. Shub Esfir’ Il’inichna, 1894 g. r., rezhisser [Shub Esfir Ilyinichna, Born in 1894, Director]. RGALI. F. 2944. Op. 15. Ed. khr. 1520. L. 29. 
  29. Tetrad’ s dnevnikovymi zapisiami, zapisiami dl’a pamiati, adresov i telefonov, vypiskami iz knig [Notebook with Diary Entries, Notes for Memory, Addresses and Telephones, Extracts from Books]. RGALI. F. 2091. Op. 2. Ed. khr. 257. L. 13.
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Received: 15.06.2023

Revised: 05.08.2023

Accepted: 12.08.2023