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DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-4-72-81


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Alla A. Baeva

Dr. Sc. in Art Studies, Professor, 
Russian Institute of Theatre Arts (GITIS
Moscow, Russia

Russian Opera of the Last Decades of the 20th Century through Wagner's Ideas: Tiriel by Dmitriy Smirnov


Richard Wagner, whose 210th anniversary is celebrated in 2023, is distanced from Russian composers of the late twentieth century. Nevertheless, the artistic views of the brilliant musician and playwright on the nature of opera art, on its content and semantic potential, undoubtedly influenced not only on his contemporaries, but also descendants. In the center of the article is the Russian opera of the last decades of the twentieth century and, above all, Dmitriy Smirnov's Tiriel. The composer thought that the task of a modern composer is to create something new on the basis of a synthesis of everything significant that has been accumulated in the past. Dmitriy Smirnov is one of the brightest representatives of the Russian post-avant-garde, he created an original opus, which, however, evokes certain analogies with the work of his great predecessor. This work touches upon the issues of music dramaturgy, stylistic solutions, principles of composition, Dmitriy Smirnov's work on the libretto, which was based on one of the early, prophetic poems by W. Blake, as well as a number of other poems of the English poet and graphic artist of the second half of the XVIII century.


Russian opera of the last decades of the twentieth century, D. Smirnov, R. Wagner, W. Blake, Tiriel.

For citation

Baeva A.A. Russian Opera of the Last Decades of the 20th Century through Wagner’s Ideas: Tiriel by Dmitriy Smirnov. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2023, no. 4, pp. 72–81.

DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-4-72-81



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Received: 24.06.2023

Revised: 25.10.2023

Accepted: 13.11.2023