УДК: 792.01

DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-4-82-91


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Alexander A. Chepurov

Dr. Sc. in Art Studies, Professor, Head of the Russian Theatre Department
Russian State Institute of Performing Arts
Saint Petersburg, Russia

On the Metaphysics of the Theatre. About the Actual Trends in Theatre Studies


The article is devoted to the problems of understanding modern theatre structures. They seem to somehow blur the classic laws of drama and theatre, the categories in which theatre scholars used to comprehend the dramatic art. Such categories as drama, action, conflict, plot retain their essential nature even in the most paradoxical modern theatre and performance structures. The theatre itself, though often abandoning its mimetic and narrative functions, does not deny, but only approaches to the comprehension of conflict oppositions and interactions of metaphysical universals. The metaphysics, the sociology of the theatre, the performative and reconstructive method of studying drama texts, which were tested by the author of the article in the master's programs in the RSIPA, prove the prospects of studying the metaphysics of the theatre.


Modern theatre, Russian theatre, performativity, post-dramatic theatre, metaphysics of theatre, sociology of theatre, reconstruction of scenic texts, theatre pedagogy.

For citation

Chepurov A.A. On the Metaphysics of the Theatre. About the Actual Trends in Theatre Studies. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2023, no. 4, pp. 82–91.

DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-4-82-91



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Received: 02.10.2023

Revised: 29.10.2023

Accepted: 10.11.2023