УДК: 792.09:821.161.1-2

DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-4-10-29


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Nina A. Shalimova

Dr. Sc. in Art Studies, Professor of Russian Theatre Department
Russian Institute of Theatre Arts (GITIS)
0000-0003-2295-9768, nislanava@rambler.ru

Postmodern Versions of A.N. Ostrovsky’s “Life Plays”: Towards the Problem of the Stage Chronotope


The poetics of the stage chronotope is addressed by the author as a crucial part of the broader theme “Postmodernism in Theatrical Arts.” The focus of analytical attention is on the postmodern adaptations of A.N. Ostrovsky’s plays by contemporary directors. The issue of postmodernist deconstruction of the literary chronotope and its transformation into a stage chronotope is identified as central and explored through small-scale productions such as A Dramatic Actress is Required by Yuri Pogrebnichko (2000), Without a Dowry by Anatoly Praudin (2002), The Storm by Evgeny Gelfond (2017), Not of This World by Ekaterina Polovtseva (2017), and Without a Dowry by Dmitry Krymov (2017). The analysis of these performances is grounded in M.M. Bakhtin’s concept of the structuring role of the chronotope in the artistic fabric of a work, a concept of methodological importance not only for literary criticism but also for theatre studies. The article sheds light on various approaches of contemporary directing to the postmodern re-creation of Ostrovsky’s “life plays”. It examines the differences between the literary chronotope and the stage chronotope, as well as defines the differentiated directorial methods of transforming the literary chronotope into the stage one. The problem of the actor is brought to the forefront, and the method of an actor’s existence in a postmodern play is explored. The climactic moment in Ostrovsky’s action construction — the heroine’s death — in the new stage aesthetics of the 21st century transcends the boundaries of romantic or realistic interpretations of the finale. The central event of death is not depicted through direct reproduction, but is revealed in various “theatrical garbs” through the tempo-rhythm of the action, complex mise-en-scène, lighting of the scene, tone of acting, and unique behavior of the characters. In doing so, contemporary stage postmodernism largely inherits the traditions of Russian psychological theatre.


A.N. Ostrovsky, postmodernism, stage chronotope, Yuri Pogrebnichko, Anatoly Praudin, Yevgeny Gelfond, Yekaterina Polovtseva, Dmitry Krymov.

For citation

Shalimova N.A. Postmodern Versions of A.N. Ostrovsky’s “Life Plays”: Towards the Problem of the Stage Chronotope. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2023, no. 4, pp. 10–29.

DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-4-10-29



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Received: 09.10.2023

Revised: 25.11.2023

Accepted: 26.11.2023