УДК: 792.075(092)"1941/1943"

DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-4-30-41


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Anna A. Stepanova

Cand. Sc. in Art Studies, Associate Professor of the Department of History of the Russian Theatre
Russian Institute of Theatre Arts (GITIS)
Moscow, Russia

The Beginning of the War. Evacuation. Return to Moscow. Admission to the Theatre Studio. Materials for the Biography of A.V. Efros (1941–1943)


The article is devoted to the most important three years (1941–1943) in the life of A. V. Efros. At this time he decided to connect his life with the theatre. However, there is no evidence to explain the motives for such a decision. Efros himself never spoke or wrote about this, and his relatives and friends also did not leave information on this matter. And therefore the author made an attempt to trace the event line of Efros’s biography of those three war years and tried to recreate the historical and cultural context of his life. Perhaps it was the evacuation to the city of Molotov (Perm) that directly or indirectly provoked young Efros’s interest in the theatre.


Anatoly Efros, Great Patriotic War 1941–1945, Soviet Theatre, Perm (Molotov), studio of K. M. Voinov, Anatoly Adoskin

For citation

Stepanova A.A. The Beginning of the War. Evacuation. Return to Moscow. Admission to the Theatre Studio. Materials for the Biography of A.V. Efros (1941–1943). Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2023, no. 4, pp. 30–41.

DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-4-30-41



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Received: 27.08.2023

Revised: 12.11.2023

Accepted: 14.11.2023