Profession and Art Position. From the History of GITIS Pedagogy: Joseph Tumanov, Yuliy Khmelnitsky, Matvey Osherovsky in the Memoirs of Yuriy Drozhnyak
The article contains the commented memoirs of the famous Russian music theatre actor
Yuriy Drozhnyak about his theatre teachers and associates — Joseph Mikhailovich
Tumanov (1909–1981), Yuliy Osipovich Khmelnitsky (1904–1997) and Matvey
Abramovich Osherovsky (1920–2009). All three of them are the prominent theatre directors who defined some features of the Russian music theatre of the twentieth century.
They also taught at GITIS at various times. Their pedagogical and staging experience
is now being comprehended in historical position and in terms of the continuity of their
pedagogy. The author of the memoirs identifies common basic professional laws in
their stage practice. At the same time, the active author's component of their directing
process is obvious; as well as the methodological one, which differs significantly from
each of them. The article also draws attention to the combination of different methods
and approaches to music and dramatic material, when they were transited from institute
pedagogy to stage practice.
The half-century evolution of the aesthetics of music performance in Russia is significant.
Thus, theatre pedagogy nowadays try to solve the problem of educating not only the
actor, but also the director.
Pedagogy, music and art education, directing, stage practice, vocals, methodology
For citation
Alexander G. Kolesnikov — Dr. Sc. in Art Studies, Leading Researcher of the Scientific Department of Russian Institute of Theatre Arts (GITIS).
ORCID: 0000-0002-5519-2850
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Received: 19.04.2023
Revised: 03.08.2023
Accepted: 14.08.2023