Formation of Intonation Expressiveness at the Lessons of Stage Speech: from a Sound to a Word
This article is devoted to the ways of forming the intonation expressiveness in theatre
education. Basing on the methodology proposed by authoritative experts in the field
of stage speech, the author comes to the conclusion that the practice of stage speech
should follow an interdisciplinary approach. For instance, theatre actors should better
rely on the data provided by the similar subjects, such as linguistics. It considers the
intonation as a special level of language, appealing to both non-sign and sign objectification. The author proposes a two-level approach to the formation of intonation
expressiveness. The first level involves improving auditory perception, which influences
the actor’s own intonation background (using the exercise: Sound image of a picture).
The second one assumes mastering intonation constructions that allow the actor not only
to achieve the authenticity of what is presented on stage, but to convey all the shades
of meaning that the author hides into a work of art. Taking into account the intonation
pattern of speech, the stage can be enriched with multiple additional meanings, and,
consequently, broadcast the content which is adequate to the author's intention. The article acquires particular relevance taking into the account the lack of intonation expressiveness in modern society’s speech. Due to the scarcity of the nowadays language,
which affects not only the word usage, but also on the intonation, its lack of melody,
it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of the intonation-melodic
component of speech among future actors and directors.
Intonation, intonation structure, stage speech, theatrical practice.
For citation
Kosenko V.S. Formation of Intonation Expressiveness at the Lessons of Stage Speech: from a Sound to a Word. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2023, no. 4, pp. 174–196.
DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2023-4-174-196
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Received: 06.03.2023
Revised: 08.10.2023
Accepted: 10.11.2023