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DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2024-1-70-81


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Aygul R. Salikhova

Cand. Sc. in Philology, Leading Researcher of the Center for Art Studies
G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Kazan, Russia

A.N. Ostrovsky’s Dramaturgy and the Tatar Theatre


The works of one of the most prominent Russian playwrights, Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky (1823–1886), is widely known. His ideas, later adopted by A. P. Chekhov and K.S. Stanislavsky, had a serious impact on the development of theatre art around the world. His dramaturgy played an important role in the history of Tatar stage art. His play In a foreign party-hangover translated into Tatar and released under the title Light and Darkness became one of the first professional theatre performances in the Tatar language. In the summer of 1907, it was staged by the “Troupe of Muslim actors headed by Ilyas Kudashev-Ashkazarsky” and went on tour in the cities of Russia. Further A.N. Ostrovsky got a stable position on the Tatar theatre scene. In the pre-revolutionary theatre Ostrovsky’s plays were staged, as a rule, from the position of the usual life. The main attention was paid to satire, revelation, and morality. The famous Tatar theatre director Marcel Khakimovich Salimzhanov — People’s Artist of the USSR, the laureate of the State Award of the RSFSR n. a. K. S. Stanislavsky — revealed Ostrovsky’s dramaturgy in a new and original way. Being GITIS graduate and a student of A. Lobanov, he managed to make the great Russian playwright close and understandable to the Tatar audience. His most significant stage productions of A.N. Ostrovsky’s plays are The Storm, The Crazy Money, Without a Dowry, Light Without Heat and others. For the first time, their artistic features, the peculiarity of stage interpretation, and their place in the aesthetic evolution of the Tatar theatre are systematically analyzed.


Alexander Ostrovsky, Gulsum Bolgarskaya, Tatar theatre, Marcel Salimzhanov, Alsu Gaynullina, The Storm, The Crazy Money, Without a Dowry.

For citation

Salikhova A. R. A. N. Ostrovsky’s Dramaturgy and the Tatar Theatre. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2024, no. 1, pp. 70–81.

DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2024-1-70-81



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Received: 16.10.2023

Revised: 28.01.2024

Accepted: 02.02.2024