УДК: 792.2(470.620):821.161.1-2
DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2024-1-98-110
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Ostrovsky on the Krasnodar Theatre Stage in 2022–2023: Dynamics of Interpretative Approaches
The article is devoted to various approaches to staging Ostrovsky’s plays at the Krasnodar
Academic Drama Theatre devoted to the playwright’s anniversary: in 2022–2023. Based
on the material of the director’s laboratory in 2022 and two premiere performances released in 2023, the author concludes that staging Ostrovsky today requires the significant
work of director in understanding the aims of the author’s dramaturgy in nowadays reality. The laboratory, led by Oleg Loevsky, highlightened the need for stylistic and genre
adaptation of Ostrovsky’s plays and showed numerous options: from the laconic sketch
of Murat Abulkatinov to the expressive The Abyss by Liza Bondar. Artem Ustinov’s sketch
of The Snow Maiden that became a performance demonstrated the potential of genre
rethinking of Ostrovsky’s text, the possibility of dystopia, science fiction and school drama
in the interpretation of the “spring fairy tale”. Timur Nasirov's more traditional performance
Without a Dowry turned out to be less interesting in the dialogue with Ostrovsky: despite
the good actors’ works and metaphorical scenography by Konstantin Solovyov, the performance lacked interpretative courage and accuracy. Thus, the Krasnodar Drama Theatre
in 2022–2023 worked extensively with Ostrovsky’s legacy, clarifying its relevance and
proving the audience’s request. Traditional for the provincial theatre, and not only the provincial one, the request for “classical theatre”, for “staging closely to the play” leads to the
illustrativeness of production decisions and simplifying of the director’s idea.
Ostrovsky, Without a Dowry, The Snow Maiden, The Abyss, Krasnodar Drama Theatre,
Artem Ustinov, Lisa Bondar, Timur Nasirov.
For citation
Serdechnaia V. V. Ostrovsky on the Krasnodar Theatre Stage in 2022–2023: Dynamics of Interpretative Approaches. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2024, no. 1, pp. 98–110.
DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2024-1-98-110
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Received: 24.11.2023
Revised: 05.01.2024
Accepted: 13.02.2024