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DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2024-1-121-139
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The Swedish Fop by Carl Gyllenborg — Swedish Comedy’s Secret of Success as a Theatre (1737–1754)
The article examines two interrelated subjects: the history of Sweden’s first national
theatre, the Swedish Comedy (1737–1754), and Carl Gyllenborg’s play The Swedish
Fop (1737), which was successfully performed on the stage of this theatre and became
the company’s calling card. Without understanding the reasons for this comedy’s success, it is impossible to explain the popularity of the newly formed theatre, which was
taking its first steps and seemed aesthetically quite imperfect, although it did receive
professional status. An analysis of The Swedish Fop, the first Swedish comedy, in the
context of the of the first national theatre, which was supported by the “Hat” political
party, reveals the close relationship between theatrical art and the sociopolitical trends
of this period.
During the Age of Freedom, Sweden, a country of “belated” culture, assimilated the
theatrical traditions of other European countries that were ahead of it in cultural development. But against the background of these processes, there was also the strong
intention of the Swedish theatre to defend its national identity. The comedy, The Swedish
Fop, which glorified the love of the Motherland, native language and national traditions, greatly contributed to this intention and that is supposedly why it found a lively
response from the audience and ensured the theatre’s popularity.
The Swedish Fop, Swedish Comedy, Carl Gyllenborg, fop, Swedish theatre,
Swedish drama.
For citation
Berlova M. S. The Swedish Fop by Carl Gyllenborg — Swedish Comedy’s Secret of Success as a Theatre (1737–1754). Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2024, no. 1, pp. 121–139.
DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2024-1-121-139
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Received: 05.12.2023
Revised: 16.01.2024
Accepted: 06.02.2024