The First Book about Nikolai Mikhailovich Tarabukin (1889–1956)
A.G. Dunaev’s book Nikolay Mikhailovich Tarabukin. An Annotated Bibliography is written
in a form of a review and analytical bibliographic work. It creates a detailed history of the
critical and scholar works of the outstanding Russian art critic. The process of returning the
critic’s works to the active scientific use, the recognition of the significance of his discoveries
for both his contemporaries and the history of art in general, is estimated as a progressive
and objective process. Hard facts from the researcher’s life, revealed on the pages of the
new edition by A.G. Dunaev, are supplemented by various memoir reviews about the human
qualities and N.M. Tarabukin’s talent. The new edition makes it possible to appreciate the
diverse heritage of the scholar and reconstruct the stages of his creative destiny. The book
is homage to the scholar, art critic, and long-term GITIS lecturer.
Tarabukin, formal analysis, Russian art, Russian theatre, Russian avant-garde, Vrubel.
For citation
Korotkevich E. G. The First Book about Nikolai Mikhailovich Tarabukin (1889–1956). Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2024, no. 1, pp. 187–197.
DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2024-1-187-197
- Dunayev A. G. Nikolay Mikhaylovich Tarabukin: annotirovannaja bibliografija [Nikolai Mikhailovich Tarabukin: Annotated Bibliography]. 2nd ed. Moscow: GITIS, 2023. 240 p.
- Dunayev A. G. Bibliograficheskij ukazatel’ trudov N. M. Tarabukina [Bibliographic index of works by N. M. Tarabukin]. Moscow: GITIS, 1990. 60 p.
- Tarabukin N. M. Smysl ikony [The Meaning of the Icon]. Introduct. by G. I. Vzdornov and A. G. Dunaev. Moscow: Izdatelstvovo Pravoslavnogo Bratstva Svyatitelya Filareta Moskovskogo, 2001. 224 p.
- Bartoshevich A. V. God tysjacha devjat’sot sorok devjatyj. Pomnit’ [Nineteen Forty-Nine. Remember]. Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2020, no. 3, pp. 104–124.
- Tarabukin N. M. N. M. Tarabukin o V. E. Meyyerkhol’de [N. M. Tarabukin about V. E. Meyerhold]. Ed.-comp. O. M. Feldman, preface by B. I. Zingerman. Moscow: O.G.I., 1998. 110 p.
- Tarabukin N. M. Ocherki po istorii kostyuma [Essays on the History of Costume]. Preface and Comments by L. M. Gorbacheva. Moscow: GITIS, 2020. 151 p. 7. Tarabukin N. M. Ot mol’berta k mashine [From Easel to Machine]. Moscow: Ad Marginem, 2015. 71 p.
Received: 08.12.2023
Revised: 03.02.2024
Accepted: 14.02.2024