Screen Image of Sports Achievement in the Context of the Formation of Modern Sociocultural Paradigm
The article deals with the new tendency which appeared in the filmmaking process of
the recent decades. Many filmmakers took the stories about sports achievements of the
Soviet past and nowadays reality as the basis for the film script. They address to both
real events and fictional stories. The most successful films about sports achievements
(Legend No. 17, Moving Up, Ice) make it possible to identify the patterns, artistic and
meaningful images and persistent mythologems, associated with this sphere of culture,
which the filmmakers use. The desire of filmmakers to use such stories about athletes
overcoming heavy physical, moral, and psychological stress reveals a high potential for
interpreting character images and determining the mechanisms of interaction between
the on-screen artistic expression on the audience. Films about sports achievements
reflect the attitude of Russian cinema of the 2010s towards rethinking and adopting
the elements of the great style of Soviet screen art in combination with the features of
sports genres (sports drama, musical, dramedy), the narrative of a family saga, and
motifs of war films. New Russian films about overcoming in the sphere of sport are able
to correlate the past and present in the minds of viewers, giving society the opportunity
to carry out the necessary adjustment of the sociocultural paradigm on the level of
mental connections.
Russian cinema, sports cinema, Soviet cinema, the great style in cinema.
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Received: 18.03.2024
Revised: 02.05.2024
Accepted: 14.05.2024