УДК: 791.43-22(44+450) "1950"
DOI: 10.35852/2588-0144-2024-2-140-173
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Franco-Italian Laughter. The Development of French and Italian Film Comedy in the 1950s
The article explores the relationship between French and Italian cinema on the example of
the comedy genre of the late 1940s-1950s. In France, this interaction was made through
the dialogue with the tradition of the silent comic cinema and pantomime, discoveries in the
field of sound score, convergence with the genre of cloak and sword drama and costume
movies. At the same time, comedy was a reaction to the trauma and despondency associated
with the long occupation and competing with “the black film”. In Italy, the rise of this
genre was connected with neo-realism and competition with the American cinema for the
audience, the dose of melodrama and a return to the tradition of “divas” coming from the
1910s. Italian film comedy of the 1950s and 1960s is a dialectal comedy rooted in popular
culture, in contrast to the comedies of the Mussolini era, which were liberated from regional
peculiarities, irony and were unified. The feature that unites Italian and French comedy of
the 1950s is the outstanding comedians brought up on the school of variety theatre and
music hall. The article also examines in detail the Franco-Italian coproduction model, which
showed the structure and dynamics of the European film process as a whole and in a dual
perspective, addressing both mass and independent cinema. Film production itself turns
out to be a kind of bridge between France and Italy, pointing out the most diverse and
unexpected parallels and overlaps.
Italian Cinema, French Cinema, comedy, gag, pink neo-realism, border, commedia dell'arte,
coproduction, cloak and sword film, satire, noir.
For citation
Balandina N. P. Franco-Italian
Laughter. The Development of French and Italian Film Comedy in the 1950s.
Theatre. Fine Arts. Cinema. Music. 2024, no. 2, pp. 140–173.
DOI: 10.35852 / 2588‑0144‑2024‑2-140-173
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Received: 27.02.2024
Revised: 23.04.2024
Accepted: 10.05.2024